23-year-old Mateo Makes His Case for a Speeding Ticket: Linda, honey, just listen.
By now, just about everyone has seen the video of little Mateo pleading his case with his mom of why he feels it's ok to have a cupcake for dinner. He apparently first asked his mom and she said no, so he tried to sidestep her and ask his grandmother instead. His mother decided to video it when she confronted him about it and his response was a mix of funny but also quite disobedient. His mother Linda decided to post the video on YouTube and it quickly went viral and became internet gold.
Check out our parody of "3-year-old Mateo Makes His Case for Cupcakes: Linda, honey, just listen." (See original here)
Ours is "23-year-old Mateo Makes His Case for a Speeding Ticket: Linda, honey, just listen."
You can see more from Comedy Driving Inc on our YouTube page!
Filmed and edited by Melvin Maya
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