5 Ways To Stay Safe During Memorial Day Weekend

5 Ways To Stay Safe During Memorial Day Weekend
Memorial Day is a great time for fun and celebration but it's also important to stay safe! Here are 5 ways to stay safe during Memorial Day Weekend.
1. Limit your alcohol.
If you've had ANY Alcohol to drink, avoid driving. It's never a good idea to drink even a single alcoholic beverage and drive, but this is especially true during Holidays. And remember, even though you may not have had too much to drink, other drivers may be intoxicated, so drive with extra caution.
2. Use extra caution at intersections
Intersections are the #1 location for auto-accidents. With the extra automobiles on the roadways, and the possibility of more drunk drivers, take your time at intersections, and be sure to scan and re-scan before entering an intersection.
3. Avoid roadways during peak hours
Memorial day is one of the most popular holidays for taking road trips. This means more people on the roadways, which in turn, equates to more accidents. So steer clear of driving between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m.
4. Make sure you have a full tank of gas
This one is more important that people realize. You never know when you might get stuck in a traffic jam, and running out of gas i this situation could mean disaster for your entire weekend.
5. Plan for delays
As mentioned, more people will be on the roadways during Memorial Day....So there will be delays. Planning for these delays will prevent you from getting in a hurry, and making a costly mistake. Be safe, and enjoy your extended weekend!
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