Air Bags for Life!

Air Bags for Life!
Air bags are a part of driving any new vehicle. Since their introduction, air bags have been credited with saving thousands of lives. On a side note, air bags actually fill with a harmless gas when deployed, not air as the name suggests. When used with a seatbelt, air bags have been shown to reduce head injuries by 75% and chest injuries by 66%.
There are different types of air bags such as front air bags, side-mounted air bags, head air bags, and knee air bags. Here you will learn more about air bag facts and air bag safety in Texas in regards to defensive driving.
Many people in are concerned with the risk of injury or death during air bag deployment. Between 1997 and 1998 there were 1,800,000 air bag deployments, of which 87 people were killed. The majority of these deaths resulted from the occupant sitting too close to the air bag.
Sitting too close to an air bag can also result in head, neck, or chest injuries when it deploys. A safe distance for adults to sit is at least ten inches from the air bag, whereas children should not sit in front of an air bag at all. If there is no other seat for the child a driver may equip an on-off switch for the air bag under certain conditions.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) allows vehicle owners to obtain approval to have an on-off switch installed for the driver and/or the passenger side air bags. To qualify for permission to have an on-off switch installed, you must meet one of these exemptions:
- You are unable sit in a position allowing 10 inches between the center of the steering wheel and the center of your breastbone.
- You are transporting infants riding in rear-facing infant seats in the front passenger seat.
- You transport children ages 1 to 12 in the front passenger seat.
- Your doctor has determined the air bag poses a special risk to your health that outweighs the risk of hitting your head, neck, or chest in a crash if the air bag deploys.
The majority of people do not need an on-off switch, and almost everyone older than 12 years of age is much safer with air bags than without them. However, there are some recommendations to drivers when driving with a car that has air bags.
To avoid injuries when an air bag deploys, follow these tips:
- Move the seat at least ten inches from the air bag.
- Wear your seatbelt. An air bag is designed to work in tandem with a seat belt; you should not use one over the other.
- Place children under 4 feet 9 inches in the back seat.
- Drive with both hands on the side of the wheel, not draped or laced over it. This positioning is to prevent a broken arm if the air bag deploys. The proper position is left hand at 8 and right hand at 4 as if your steering wheel was a round clock.
- Don't smoke in the car, as you could be burned if the air bag deploys.
- Have the air bag inspected every ten years.
- Replace the air bag after it is deployed.
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