Avoiding Road Rage Dangers while Driving in Texas

Avoiding Road Rage Dangers while Driving in Texas
To avoid dangerous interactions of road rage with other drivers in Texas, you should first be a cautious and considerate driver. Always avoid creating a risky situation that may provoke another motorist. Provoking another driver may take as little as a honk of the horn, braking abruptly, flashing your headlights, and even following too closely.
If you do encounter an angry driver, do not make matters worse by triggering a confrontation. A few methods of avoiding a road rage situation include; be a polite driver, remember that nothing is personal, keep a calm driving environment, allow plenty of time to reach your destination, avoid distractions, and always remember that the roadways are public property.
The best course of action is to steer clear and give the other driver plenty of room; however, if the driver angrily persists to interact with you pull over and call 9-1-1 if you are concerned for your safety.
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