Blue Reflectors

Blue Reflectors
There has been an increase of questions, here at Comedy Driving Inc., regarding questions about blue reflector sightings. Drivers around Texas are becoming more aware of the existence of blue reflectors and they have questions. Why are they there? What do they represent? Who installed a single blue reflector all by itself in the middle of the road looking lonely, being run over by vehicle after vehicle; are they unwanted and unimportant? We did the research for you so you can now put to rest these questions that keep you up late at night.
A blue reflector is very important in today’s world. It holds a true meaning that helps in the time of desperate need. A blue reflector should never be removed from the street which it is attached to. If caught, an individual could be charged with a Class C Misdemeanor. There is a special reason the blue reflector was installed in that particular spot and it is officially there for a good reason.
A blue reflector represents a relief when there is an emergency located in this particular area. Here at Comedy Driving Inc we do realize and are aware there are some drivers on the road who have no idea what we are talking about here and that is quite alright. A blue reflector can be seen on the side of the road close to the edge or curb of the street. If you do not see a blue reflector just keep driving and sooner or later you will notice this very important item on the road. Blue reflectors are everywhere around the city due to its importance. So you are probably wondering to yourself what is the reason the blue reflector was placed there. The blue reflector represents a water line underground, so in other words, a blue reflector identifies a fire hydrant location. The fire department looks for these to find the closest water supply in relation to the fire. Word of advice, park at least fifteen feet away from a fire hydrant to avoid trouble. Once again this has been another very important blog to keep you safe and aware.
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