Cost of Speeding in Texas

Cost of Speeding in Texas
Everyday over 100,000 people receive a speeding ticket in the United States which totals 41 million speeding tickets per year. Those most likely to receive a speeding ticket are males between 17 and 24 years of age.
Speeding is the act of exceeding the posted speed limit or driving too fast for existing conditions. The posted speed limit is intended for driving in perfect conditions meaning: clear weather, light traffic, and no construction. Tickets can be issued for driving 1 mile per hour, MPH, over the speed limit.
The average cost of a speeding ticket is $150.00, on average. If $150.00 is multiplied by 41 million the result is over 6 billion dollars per year in speeding ticket fines alone. If a person is issued a speeding ticket in a school zone or construction zone - while workers are present, then the fine for that ticket is doubled.
The average rise in insurance costs for one speeding ticket over the course of 3 years is $900.00. The good news is thanks to defensive driving classes you can dismiss tickets once every 12 months. Not only do you keep a ticket off your record but you can also reduce your insurance rates. Sign up for the course to dismiss your Texas speeding ticket!
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