D.W.E. | Driving While Eating

D.W.E. | Driving While Eating
Talking on a cell phone, texting on the cell phone, conversing with passengers, and rubbernecking are major distractions we face when we are traveling on the roadway. Any time your eyes are focused off the road you are putting yourself and others at risk. All it takes is a split second and before you know it you are the reason for an accident. Let’s not forget about being under the influence of drugs and alcohol which can result in a costly DWI but there is another distraction no one seems to consider dangerous. Driving while eating is a distraction we most often overlook and don’t consider dangerous. Most of us use the convenience of a drive-thru and do not give thought to the danger it may pose. Fast food companies take advantage of our hunger and that’s the main reason why most of them are now open 24 hours a day. The instant need to fight hunger at 4 am is called the fourth meal by Taco Bell, but in reality, it could be your last meal.
A survey done by ExxonMobil says that 70% of 1,000 drivers admitted to eating while behind the wheel and 83% were enjoying a nice cold beverage. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration completed a study that shows we are 80% more likely to get into an accident while consuming food on the road. What can be done to reduce these staggering statistics and be a better defensive driver? Comedy Driving Inc. came up with a list of suggestions below to reduce these driving dangers.
• Eat something before you get on the roadway.
• Don’t assume it’s safe to eat at a “Stoplight” or “Stop sign.”
• If your spouse or loved one is riding, have them drive for you.
• Wear an apron so you won’t have to worry about your appearance with food stains.
• Pullover and eat off the roadway in a safe area.
Driving while eating can be very dangerous, Comedy Driving suggests you plan ahead to avoid collisions and always carry extra napkins. Be careful!
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