Defensive Driving Dacus Texas
Defensive Driving Dacus Texas
Traffic tickets can cost you a lot of money and time. An easy way to deal with tickets is by taking a defensive driving class, and Texans can use this option to dismiss a traffic ticket every twelve months in Texas. Maybe you have a citation in Dacus, TX and you can’t find a classroom nearby to take the class in person. Comedy Driving, Inc provides a Defensive Driving Dacus Texas course both in a classroom setting as well as an online course. Our closest classroom location is in the Willowbrook area, you can find a map and a classroom schedule below. If you find a time and day that suits you, there is no need to make an appointment, just show up on to time and you will be admitted into the course.
If you prefer to take our online course, simply Sign Up and you can get started right away. Our online course is self-paced, allowing you to take breaks as often as you like. You can take the course all in one sitting, one hour at a time or even over a few days. Our online course is available on your computer, laptop, and most smartphones and tablets.
If you have any comments, suggestions or questions, our staff is more than happy to hear them. Just give us a call at (713) 465-0042 or email us at