Defensive Driving Fort Worth Texas
Defensive Driving Fort Worth Texas
Have you ever encountered a driver that frequently changes lanes in order to get ahead of slower traffic? You see them get to a stoplight, they hit their accelerator when it’s green, but they simply catch up to the traffic in front of them and they go nowhere even though they try so hard to advance in traffic. They are constantly pushing their brakes because they are getting nowhere fast, you know it and we know it. Has one of these reckless drivers ever been behind you? They tailgate you just so that you can speed up. You tap your breaks lightly just to get them to slow down behind you. When they finally do pass you up you just tap your horn just to let know that they don’t own the road. Well, you won’t be surprised to know that the actions of these drivers that weave in and out of traffic are behaviors associated with “road rage.” You may be surprised to know that your actions of tapping on the breaks and honking your horn are also behaviors associated with “road rage”.
What can you do to reduce your risk or improve your behavior on the road? The answer is simple, take a Fort Worth defensive driving course. A Defensive Driving Fort Worth Texas course, such as Comedy Driving Inc’s, will educate you and is modeled to improve driving behaviors on the road. The credentials needed to teach a safety driving course are very important. These courses have to be approved by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) and Region XIII. When online courses such as Comedy Driving Inc's are approved by the state they can save you up to 10% on your insurance cost. Call your insurance company to find out if you qualify for the savings. Additionally, if you have received a ticket for a moving violation they can help get your moving violation dismissed. You must remember that you have to contact the court where you received your moving violation first before taking a defensive driving class.
Comedy Driving is a state-approved Fort Worth defensive driving course and is also approved for any court in Texas. To find out more information about our course simply go to our "Course Tour". You can also call us at 866-357-2020 or e-mail us at with any questions. Look for us on Facebook and Twitter.
Reasons to take Comedy Driving Defensive Driving
- Flexible Schedule
- Email Delivery Available
- Unlimited Log-ins
- State Approved
- No Final Exam
- Animated Course
- Free Audio and Video
- Comedic Course
- Live Phone Support
- No Hidden Fee’s

Fort Worth TX Area Defensive Driving Resources
Fort Worth Area Courts for Texas Defensive Driving | Tarrant County Justice Of The Peace Courts | Fort Worth TX Area Department of Public Safety Offices | Fort Worth Texas Drivers Education Schools |
City of Fort Worth Municipal Courts
Fort Worth Municipal Court 1000 Throckmorton St. Fort Worth, TX 76102 817-392-6700 Monday - Friday 7:00 - 8:00 | Fort Worth Municipal Court Satellite Customer Service Center Carnival Food Store 102 NW 28th St. Fort Worth, TX 76106 |
Southwest Municipal Court 3741 S.W. Loop 820 Fort Worth, TX 76133 Monday 8:00 - 8:00 Tuesday - Friday 8:00 - 5:00 |
Fort Worth TX Area Department Of Public Safety Offices
Fort Worth DPS Office
6413 Woodway Drive
Fort Worth, TX 76133-5536
Monday 7:30 - 6:00
Tuesday - Friday 7:30 - 5:00Fort Worth Mega Center
8301 Brentwood Stair Road
Fort Worth, TX 76120
Tuesday - Thursday 8:00 - 4:30
Fort Worth East
3500 Miller Avenue
Charles F. Griffin Sub-Courthouse
Fort Worth, TX 76119
Monday 8:00 - 5:00
Tuesday 8:00 - 6:00
Wednesday - Friday 8:00 - 5:00