Defensive Driving Paperwork in Houston Texas

Defensive Driving Paperwork in Houston Texas
According to the City of Houston's website, a person must submit the following information to the court in order to dismiss their traffic citation with a Texas defensive driving course: a certificate of completion from the Texas defensive driving school where you took the course, a certified copy of your driving record, and a signed and notarized Texas Driver's Safety Course affidavit.
Listed below is how you can obtain these forms.
1. Once you've completed a defensive driving course and passed the test, a certificate of completion will be mailed to you. You'll receive two copies: An insurance copy and a court copy. The court copy is the copy you'll need to sign and submit to the court.
2. You can obtain a copy of your driving record from Comedy Driving, Inc
3. The City of Houston Affidavit you'll need to get notarized and submit to the court. At Comedy Driving, all classroom instructors and several members of staff are licensed to notarize your affidavit for a fee of $5.
Do you need a Texas traffic ticket dismissed? Visit our Comedy Driving, Inc's "Signup" page to see how you can get your ticket dismissed today!
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