Defensive Driving Washington Texas
Defensive Driving Washington Texas
Washington-on-the-Brazos, officially named Washington, TX in the upper northeastern corner of what is now Washington County, was a major political and commercial center in early Texas. Sadly, there's an abundance of people in the United States that already get Washington state and Washington D.C. confused. It’s possible that the residents of the area probably started referring to Washington, Texas, as Washington-on-the-Brazos to exclude it from that confusion. The lack of oxygen at a slightly higher-than-normal elevation could fester the confusion so it's a good thing they had a nickname for the area. With people so easily confused by life's smallest details, residents of the Washington-on-the-Brazos area need to make sure they aren't thrown out during a car accident because some out-of-towners didn't know where they were going.
To help them avoid accidents, residents of Washington-on-the-Brazos can take a Texas defensive driving course. Comedy Driving, Inc provides a Defensive Driving Washington Texas course both in a classroom setting as well as an online course. Our closest classroom course is in the Willowbrook area of Houston. You can find a map below along with the available classroom times/days. If you see a time that works for you, just show up on time for the class, there are no appointments necessary.
If you prefer to take our online course, simply Sign Up and you can get started right away. Our online course is self-paced, allowing you to take breaks as often as you like. You can take the course all in one sitting, one hour at a time, or even over a few days. Our online course is available on your computer, laptop, and most smartphones and tablets. There are jokes, animations, and videos to keep you entertained throughout the course. Once you've completed the course, your Certificate of Completion will be placed in the mail within one business day. Most people receive their certificates within 2-5 business days. If you need it sooner than that then Comedy Driving, Inc., can accommodate your needs with your rush delivery options.
If you have any comments, suggestions, or questions, our staff is more than happy to hear them. Just give us a call at (713) 465-0042 or email us at