Do You Want Your Drivers To Drive Safer?

Do You Want Your Drivers To Drive Safer?
Corporate America is always on the go. Whether you are meeting on the west side of town, making deliveries that need to be made by a certain time, interviews of new prospects, research and development, community events, and parties. Driving is not only necessary but at times it could be a risk that has the potential of turning out to be very expensive. No one plans to get into a traffic accident, but let's be honest, we’re human and we make mistakes. For example, being distracted or even worse texting while driving. There’s a class that can reduce these types of risks and raises awareness of driving safely. Comedy Driving Inc offers this service every day of the year.
Our online course provides a way for your employees to learn new rules and regulations and the individual could benefit by receiving an insurance discount on their insurance or the company’s insurance. Taking defensive driving with Comedy Driving is not just a class, it is an experience filled with mind-blowing laughter. We’ve done extensive research and have come to the conclusion that students learn better when awake and laughing. Our Texas state-approved course is one of a kind due to the fact that it was written by professional comedians.
Do you want your drivers to drive safer? Do you prefer your drivers not to text while driving? If your answer is yes then please do not waste any more time. Let go of the boring material that is putting your employees to sleep; they only look forward to it because they probably know they will take a six-hour nap due to the monotone instructor you are doing business with. Not here! If this is not enough to convince you Comedy Driving is the best, then just go online and read our reviews on Yelp, Facebook, Google Maps, and most definitely BBB. Call us, we can be reached at 713-465-0042.
Reasons to take Comedy Driving Defensive Driving
- Flexible Schedule
- Email Delivery Available
- Unlimited Log-ins
- State Approved
- No Final Exam
- Animated Course
- Free Audio and Video
- Comedic Course
- Live Phone Support
- No Hidden Fee’s