Fatalities Occur at Intersections

Fatalities Occur at Intersections
Did you know that 40% of collisions and 25% percent of fatalities occur at intersections? It is difficult for drivers to predict when another driver will run a red light so it is very important to pay attention when approaching an intersection. There are a tremendous amount of drivers who are late for work, on their way to some emergency, or they could be racing one another as they approach an intersection. When approaching an intersection, these drivers are willing to “risk it” by speeding up and running the red light. These particular drivers do not think about the innocent lives of pedestrians, bicyclists, dog walkers, joggers or lives they could take in a split second. Living with the guilt of running someone over and killing them could be very detrimental.
Drivers have a bad habit of timing intersection stoplights. They anticipate the green light and when the light changes to that specific color they floor it. This is a bad idea because another driver could be on their way through the intersection crossing. These two could cross each others’ path and before you know it, we have an accident. Take your time, do not be in a rush, and most importantly leave early so you won’t have the feeling of being late. Enjoy your commute, reduce your distractions and pay very close attention to other vehicles to avoid incidents. Here is how some drivers may view a traffic light:
Greenlight means “Go”
A yellow light means “Go Faster”
Red light means “Go Really Really Fast. If You Can’t Make It Stop”
For some reason, the yellow light seems to be the most dangerous. Drivers love a challenge and the yellow light presents a challenge every time. The yellow light is a caution signal, slow down and do not increase your speed.
For more great information you can go to our website www.comedydriving.com or better yet, you can attend one of our defensive driving classes provided online or in a classroom setting. It would be a great idea to get updates on current regulation changes and you could also get a potential insurance discount. Questions? Call us at 713-465-0042.
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