It’s Raining, It’s Pouring..
It's Raining, It's Pouring..
If you do not like the current weather condition in Houston, Tx just wait another 10 minutes and it might go from a bright sunny day to a complete downpour of rain or hail. If you wait an additional 20 minutes you might be lucky enough to see a tornado or experience the friendly devilish gust of wind from a hurricane named after my ex-wife. It is extremely important to receive news updates during these moments of bad weather, especially if there is a power outage in the area, and you have no way to watch the news or listen to the radio.
We often take the weather for granted, but if we continue to do so we may find ourselves literally up a creek without a paddle. For some odd reason, many people think their car is invincible to rising water but the reality is you have no way of accurately judging the depth of floodwater.
The saying around Houston is “Turn around, don’t drown”. Unfortunately, many of us are stubborn and we say to ourselves “I can make it”. Stop, do not believe this lie. Turn around and choose a safer route. Never risk your vehicle or your life. Houston is a city famous for flooding. Most locals have seen the feeder roads along the sides of the interstates turn into lakes and rivers with car tops decorating the surface. Sometimes it makes me wonder if I could go fishing at the intersection, but then I think about getting hung up on a car hood or street sign.
- Pay close attention to the news.
- Prepare your car with rain equipment.
- If you cannot see the street, the water is too deep.
- Do not venture out unless you have an emergency.
- Do not play in rising water, there may be snakes or a chupacabra.
- If all else fails buy a truck, lift it up 6 feet, and always tow a boat behind it.
Remember to watch weather forecasts and plan accordingly. If you have nowhere to go just stay home so the emergency crews can work efficiently. Do not try to be a hero because you may cause more harm than a rescue. One more tip, buy an umbrella.
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