Kick Rocks

Kick Rocks
Imagine driving and ahead you notice an object that seems to be getting closer as you drive. You say to yourself, “Self..... I wonder what in the world could that be? Could it be a very tall thin American Texas bear? Could it be a tree on the side of the road without branches or leaves? Why does it look like the bear or the tree is wearing clothes? Could it be another confusing road sign and why does it look like the road sign is wearing clothes? This is crazy! Who would put clothes on a road sign? What is that object approaching my vehicle as I drive?”
All of these thoughts are running through your mind and you finally see it is a common pedestrian walking against the flow of traffic. In the great state of Texas when someone is taking a walk, we like to refer to that particular individual as “kicking rocks.” For example, if you wanted a guest who did not drive over to leave your house knowing you were the one to pick them up in your vehicle you would say to them “Go kick rocks”. If you had a disagreement with your lover who does not have a car and you know the relationship is over you say “Go kick rocks”. In other words, kicking rocks is another way of referring to a pedestrian (someone walking).
Here is the question that has boggled the minds of great thinkers like mathematicians, scientists, construction workers, postal service drivers, five-star chefs, washeteria owners, customer service representatives, and most definitely musicians. Do pedestrians have the right of way in the state of Texas? Sit back, relax and don’t move a muscle because Comedy Driving Inc did the research for you and we are happy to share the answer to this very important question.
Here it is.
Pedestrians only have the right of way in Texas when they are in a crosswalk. This should bring relief to you immediately after you hit someone with your car. As long as you did not hit them in the crosswalk you are good as those very affordable gold necklaces they sell in the gas stations. If a pedestrian has the audacity to walk across a freeway that has a speed limit of 60 mph… we know the outcome likely of this. If a driver cannot slow down or swerve out of the way in time there will be an accident. Do not be afraid as the driver, and do not leave the scene if you hit a pedestrian, because that would be a hit and run. You would end up on the news with a sad face and a bad hair day. Just wait for the police and everything will be taken care of. In parking lots and gas stations pedestrians do not have the right of way but it is recommended that motorists give the right of way to the pedestrian anywhere. Let's all be more aware and safe when it comes to those individuals who “kick rocks”.
This is another very important blog from us here at Comedy Driving Inc. If you have any questions, comments, you need to dismiss a ticket or get a potential insurance discount, give us a call at 713-465-0042 or visit our wonderful website at
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