Left or Right?

Left or Right?
The most important element in life is communication. Without communication relationships fail, conflicts arise, confusion is abundant and accidents may occur all because there was no communication. Whether written, spoken, or signaled communication can take many forms but the fact of the matter is that it is needed: it is a necessity, it is required, and if ignored it could cause major issues if traveling on the roadway.
How does one communicate while driving? There are many methods to try, but other drivers may be too busy to listen. They may have their windows rolled up, their music may be too loud, or they may be distracted by a cell phone. Some drivers may open a window and try to flag other motorists, but this is not a clever idea. One of the most important communication instruments in the vehicle is the turn signal. It seems a lot of drivers on the road may overlook or completely ignore it.
Many drivers fail to acknowledge the turn signal; this can be observed as soon as driver “A” activates his turn signal and driver “B” speeds up to cut off the space needed for driver “A” to get over and change lanes. This is dangerous because this is the formula that can conjure an accident or even worse, road rage. Likewise, a lot of accidents have occurred due to non-usage of the blinker. It is imperative that drivers let other drivers know what their intentions are.
Comedy Driving Inc. suggests to practice using turn signals every time there is going to be a lane change, make a left or right turn. If the blinkers in the vehicle are not working properly the use of hand signals is an option; similarly, like bicyclists or motorcycle riders utilize them.
Bike riders should not forget to let other riders and motorists know their intentions when on the streets. In some states, the bicycle is considered to be another vehicle and must follow all rules of the roadway just like motorists. Remember communication is very important when traveling in the flow of traffic.
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