Navigating Through Intersections

Navigating Through Intersections
City driving can be dangerous because of blocked visibility, congestion, distractions, comfort zones, and intersections. Some of these dangers are avoidable but dealing with intersections is a requirement for driving in any city. Forty percent of collisions and twenty-five percent of fatalities happen in intersections. Safely navigating through intersections can save your life.
Here are a few ways to properly navigate intersections:
- Obey any signals or signs at intersections, which may include: traffic signals, turn signals, stop signs, and yield signs.
- At intersections without signs or signals: yield the right-of-way to any vehicle to your right and only proceed when the roadway is clear enough to pass through the entire intersection safely.
- Before making a right turn on a red light, come to a complete stop at the intersection and make sure traffic is not approaching from the left.
- Before turning left at an intersection, drivers must yield to on-coming traffic.
- Give right of way to the street that has the most lanes. (For example, 2 lane roads should yield to 3-lane roadways.)
- When driving on an unpaved road, drivers should yield to traffic on intersecting paved roads.
- At intersections with crosswalks, pedestrians should be given the right-of-way. The only time a pedestrian would not have the right-of-way is if they entered a crosswalk with signals stating, “do not walk.”
This information and more can be found by taking a Texas defensive driving class at the Comedy Driving Texas Defensive Driving School. Take our "Course Tour" for more details.
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