Parmer County Texas Defensive Driving
Parmer County Texas Defensive Driving
No matter if you are driving through beautiful Parmer or if you’re a resident, traffic tickets can ruin the experience. Parmer County Texas Defensive Driving can make it disappear. Parmer is a quiet peaceful town established in 1876, named for Martin Parmer, a signer of the Texas Declaration of independence. Parmer is located on the high plains of the Llano Estacado. You can relax with a nice beverage because Parmer, which was previously a dry county ( serving no alcohol) is now a wet county ( which serves alcohol). With room to stretch out, Parmer has over 800 square miles with just over 10,000 residents. Need more reasons? Come, enjoy the fun and excitement of the Parmer County Jr. Livestock Show which is in their 83rd year.
Parmer offers county property types for various individuals such as ranching, farming as well as residential properties. There is also hunting land if you are looking for undeveloped land. If you’re looking for a recreational property or if you’re interested in commercial property you’ll find it all here. The cities within the county include Friona, Farwell, Bovina, and Lazbuddie. Each one of these is known to be excellent schools. Take full advantage of the lovely climate, at an altitude of 4,100 feet, with an average of over 250 days of beautiful sunshine for you and your entire family to enjoy. The area has an average of 15”-16” inches of precipitation annually. Agriculture industries drive an economy where unemployment is less than 3% and the cost of living is 18% below the national average.
For more information on defensive driving, call 713-465-0042 and find out how to take the course online. Or visit the homepage for the information.
Reasons to take Comedy Driving Defensive Driving
- Flexible Schedule
- Email Delivery Available
- Unlimited Log-ins
- State Approved
- No Final Exam
- Animated Course
- Free Audio and Video
- Comedic Course
- Live Phone Support
- No Hidden Fee’s