Road Construction

Road Construction
Change is inevitable, change is a good thing, and change can get on your last nerve! Road construction means a big change in the roadway, more traffic, and a lot of signs that read “DETOUR.” This means that for a period of time you will learn new roads that connect to one another that you could have been traveled a long time ago to avoid traffic in the first place. Let’s be honest, road construction is a headache for motorists and it can be dangerous for individuals who have to work out there in the middle of the heat or in the heart of traffic. Road construction does not have a fixed time schedule. You can ride through a construction zone from early morning to late at night. Make sure you are paying attention to the individuals who are working and make sure you are traveling the speed limit that is dedicated to the work zone. If a motorist gets a traffic ticket in a construction zone the fine may be doubled depending on state regulations.
“Construction Zones” are dedicated to protect workers that work in dangerous environments and warn motorists so that they can avoid accidents, traffic fines, and do not forget about the potential damage that can be caused by the debris or drop-offs due to the road being under construction. Vehicles have fallen into manmade pits, tires may be flattened due to potholes, and road rage increases with impatient drivers. Road construction is not for the weak-minded driver; road construction is made for traffic warriors. Are you a warrior? The following is a list of characteristics of traffic warriors:
• Drivers who have a “plan B” route; back roads and shortcuts.
• Drivers who wait for traffic to lighten up by staying late at work or occupying time.
• Drivers who pay close attention to roadway workers and obey all traffic signs.
• Drivers who stay at home and have someone else run errands.
These are simple defensive driving ideas and road construction safety examples of how we can reduce the headaches. Always remember, it comes down to the individual driver and how they react to different road conditions, pay attention, and avoid distractions. Be a smart driver when driving in construction zones!
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