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Tips for Saving Gas this Summer

Tips for Saving Gas this Summer
High gasoline prices are always a prequel indication that summer is approaching. Here are some tips for saving gas for this summer:
- The best way is to start from the very beginning; buy a fuel-efficient vehicle. There are many vehicles on the road, new and used, that have a high MPG (miles per gallon) rating. Choose the vehicle that best fits the needs of the driver. The larger the engine, naturally the more gas it will utilize.
- If it’s possible to relocate, it is always best to be closer to work and/or school. In turn, having a shorter commute will increase financial savings on fuel.
Let’s face it; not everyone can relocate or buy new cars. Here are some more reasonable tips:
- Keep the tires properly maintained. Make sure the tires have the right amount of PSI (pounds per square inch). Good PSI leads to better fuel efficiency.
- Also, maintain the vehicle fluid levels. Change the motor oil as specified by the manufacturer. This helps efficiency and also extends the life of the vehicle.
- Use the “Trip” dial on the vehicle to see what path or what gasoline works best with the vehicle. Not all gasoline is equal. Better quality fuel may extend the life of the vehicle and also output better fuel mileage. Also, roads with less congestion will equal a better fuel economy.
- Do not add additional weight to the vehicle. This does not mean to leave the mother-in-law at home. Simply put; do not add weight to the car and forget that it’s in there. Do not pack the trunk or the passenger seats with unnecessary weight. More weight does mean more fuel efficiency.
Try these simple, yet effective results to save on gas and get the most out of a single tank of gas.
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