Some Drivers Get Hangry

Some Drivers Get Hangry
The famous quote from the most golden shortest red shirt-wearing bear, “There’s a rumbly in my tumbly”. Drivers get hungry and some drivers get hangry. Both of these instances can distract the mind until the ultimate goal of eating is accomplished. The world today is always on the go and with the constant feeling of time running short, drive-thru windows at lunch are very common. There are a tremendous amount of drivers who get a whiff of that fresh hot bag of food and cannot resist eating while driving. Some have developed a way to guide the steering wheel with their knee while both hands are occupied stuffing their mouths. If by chance, you have been in a collision because you were distracted while you were driving, then defensive driving could be for you.
We did the research. Here is a list of the top five most dangerous foods to eat while driving.
- Steak and potatoes
- Peach cobbler and vanilla ice cream
- Popeyes or Chic-fil-a chicken sandwich
- Bowl of shrimp and crab gumbo
- Loaded burger and french fries
A lot of drivers would see this list and ask themselves who in the world eats those top five foods. Just take a look in the mirror. Anyone that is hungry or better yet hangry will take the necessary risks to kill those hunger pains. Comedy Driving Inc can help solve this distraction by offering defensive driving. Our online course is 24/7 and we have four locations around the Houston metropolitan area. You will learn how to be aware of other distracted drivers, how to focus your attention on the road, and you could dismiss a traffic ticket if that’s your situation. Taught by professional comedians, you will stay awake with laughter and learn on the edge of your seat with the great driving material we instruct. Are you hungry? Have questions? Visit our online website at or call one of our professional customer service representatives at 713-465-0042.
Reasons to take Comedy Driving Defensive Driving
- Flexible Schedule
- Email Delivery Available
- Unlimited Log-ins
- State Approved
- No Final Exam
- Animated Course
- Free Audio and Video
- Comedic Course
- Live Phone Support
- No Hidden Fee’s