Take, Lock, & Hide

Take, Lock & Hide
Here at Comedy Driving Inc., we wanted to give our students and readers a little bit of advice that will help prevent vehicle break-ins, take, lock & hide. A thief sees opportunity everywhere every day and it doesn't matter if it's summertime or the holidays. At the end of the year, when a tremendous amount of people go out shopping, a thief is always hungry for the next illegal snack.
It is completely amazing how drivers around the state make it very easy for a criminal to take what they want without the risk of being caught. For example, let's take a driver who is driving a very nice shiny red convertible on chrome wheels and they have a thumping stereo system that sounds like a miniature sold-out concert. Let’s say the driver goes into a store that is located in a rough part of town and there are at least 5 bail bond companies in the parking. Imagine the driver leaves the convertible top-down and on the front seat there is a brand new very large bag from Kay jewelers and a Best Buy. The driver of this vehicle decides to go into another store confident of the security around. The driver spends two hours shopping and when the driver comes back they see the car’s front seat and back seat empty and the whole vehicle is sitting on bricks since all four wheels were stolen. The very first thing the driver is most likely thinking is, “What happened to great security?!” and “Why has this happened to me?!”
Comedy Driving has come up with a universal checklist to help prevent vehicle break-ins.
- Do not leave the top down on your convertible.
- Put shopping bags in the trunk or drop them off at home.
- Do not shop at night when criminals may be most active.
- Do not have faith in security as they do not tend to stay in one area of a parking lot and have to constantly move around a large area.
We all like to shop but we must first think and be safe when doing so. More great information like this helpful blog can be found on our website comedydriving.com. If you have a traffic violation, interested in an insurance discount or you need defensive driving for your job, call us with questions at 713-465-0042.
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