Texas Tailgators

Texas Tailgators
Is it just me or is everyone in Houston traffic rushing? Does everyone in the world wake up late? It really seems like it because every time I’m in traffic people are speeding up only to slow down. I don’t know about you guys, but this seems backward to me. Slamming on your brakes produces more wear and tear than usual. Do not forget about the possibility of rear-ending someone. What if that vehicle in front of you has children that just so happen to unbuckle their seatbelt at the wrong time? Now you could have a guilty conscience from a fatal accident, and increasing insurance rates. Don’t get me wrong, I love to tailgate! Football game parking lots are the best in Texas but tailgating in traffic is not cool.
“Back in the day”, the rules of the roadway were to keep a safe distance between cars by judging a distance of two car lengths. Today, the rule goes by time. When you are traveling at 35 mph a safe following-distance to use is the “two-second rule”. Pick out a stationary object, and when the vehicle in front of you passes that object, you should be passing that same object in the next 2 seconds while going 35 mph. When traveling 60-70 mph it is recommended to leave at least 6-8 seconds in between your vehicle and the vehicle ahead of you. Please be aware when you practice this driving rule, other drivers may cut in front of you, and may not use a blinker to signal their intentions. People take advantage of good drivers, but nevermind them, and think about your safety, and being a better-educated driver.
Remember to leave for your destination early enough to avoid being in a rush. Take your time and only tailgate at football games. For instructions or procedures on how to be a better driver and avoids all sorts of incidents call 713-465-0042 at any time.
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