Texas Weather Conditions

Texas Weather Conditions
Texas weather conditions, other drivers, construction, and even the time of day are all conditions that can affect your driving. As a licensed Texas driver, it's up to you to recognize these conditions and determine what to do in order to drive with them safely. Here are a few suggestions on how to drive defensively on our roadways depending on the current conditions.
Bright sun or light reflections on a dirty window decreases visibility and increases risk. You should clear ice, frost, or dew from all windows before you drive. Make sure you are able to see and be seen. If you drive in rain or snow, make sure to stop sometimes to wipe mud or snow off your windshield, headlights, and taillights.
Driving toward the sun from sunrise to sunset can also impair your visibility. Slow down when visibility is reduced in order to react to the unseen. Dark sunglasses as well as using the sun visor in your car can help you see better and diminish some of the effects of glare from the reflected light from windows and chrome.
When driving in heavy traffic, you should adjust your speed and distance yourself from other drivers so that you have plenty of time to react to anything other drivers may do such as abruptly braking or changing lanes.
Construction can often lead to narrow lanes and debris on the road's surface. Slowing down gives you more time to see and react to any debris that may be on the road as well as to other drivers who may be driving nearby due to the narrow lanes.
It's more difficult to see hazards when driving at night so you should drive with your headlights on in order to clearly see any potential hazards. Also, you should slow down while driving at night to give yourself more time to react to those hazards.
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