Words Saving Lives One Tweet at a Time

Words Saving Lives One Tweet at a Time
Drinking and driving took 10,265 lives in the United States in 2015. This was a 3.2% increase from the 2014 total. Why is this still a problem? Uber, Lyft, and Taxi services are more available and accessible than ever! It is often assumed that people know better than to drink and drive, but that doesn’t seem to be what the data is saying.
This increase is a red flag is telling the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration that we are not ready to let up on drinking and driving awareness campaigns. A new, hip twitter chat was their response to this particular problem that is highest among 26 to 29 year-olds.
New Year’s Eve is a hot spot for drinking and driving which is why NHTSA released a campaign to cover the whole holiday season.
Most fatalities and convictions don’t occur because the driver knew they were too drunk and decided to drive anyway; they occur when a tipsy person thinks they are sober enough to be considered impaired. If you find yourself a little buzzed and think it might be safe, NHTSA is here to remind you that you are probably (definitely) wrong.
Buzzed driving is still drunk driving. Any amount of alcohol in your system is going to impair your reaction time and ability to judge distance. It starts at the first drink and only gets worse. You can see the way alcohol affects your judgment drink by drink.
On December 7th, the experts were taking all of twitter’s questions. Awareness and education can save lives and this chat gave drivers the opportunity to equip themselves with both. How many drinks does it take to get be over the legal limit? What are the options for those that want to arrange rides? Answers are on the twitter page and highly informative.
Remember that it only takes one strong drink to make you feel differently. There are many variables that determine blood alcohol content (BAC). Medications, carbonated beverages, blood sugar, and the rate at which you’re drinking can all raise your BAC.
If you are going out for the holidays you can download the NHTSA SaferRide app. This app is free and super easy to use (yes, even if you’re buzzed). It gives you the easy option of calling a safe ride like a taxi or a friend and provides you with your location for pick up.
If you go out for the holidays, or any time, making a habit of always having a safe ride is important. With a potential increase of impaired drivers on the road, it is recommended to stay off of the roads between midnight and 3 a.m. if you have the option.
The “Buzzed Driving is Drunk Driving” campaign is here to remind you that finding a ride or not drinking at all is the safest driving. Police are out to enforce the law during the holidays and keep drivers as safe as possible.
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