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This course is approved by Region 13 and the Texas Education Agency Safety to provide a defensive drive course for both ticket dismissal and insurance discounts.
Our entire course is 100% animated and videos, which is more animated than any other online course.
Take our course on any Apple, Android, Windows mobile device, including, but not limited to: phones, tables, iphones, ipads, ipods, android devices etc.
No Time Restrictions - Take your Defensive Driving Course 10 minutes at a time, all at once, over multiple days, or anything in between. Log on and off of the website at your convenience an unlimited number of times. You do not have to take the class all in one sitting. Please do not take the course while driving.
Comedy Driving Inc. began with a Houston, TX defensive driving classroom in 2002, and in 2006 Spanish classes were added to the course. In 2008 Comedy Driving went viral with its Texas online defensive driving course at ComedyDriving.com, and today it is the #1 driving safety course provider in Texas. We are the number one course provider in Texas because we provide what customers want in a defensive driving school. We have the lowest cost for driving safety classes allowed by the state of Texas, and offer the course in a convenient and fun fashion. We have three types of courses, which include online, mobile, and 4 physical classroom locations around the Houston area. Any of these classes can be used for ticket dismissal and insurance rate reductions, and each class is state approved by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) and Region XIII for any court in Texas. The Comedy Driving online defensive driving course was designed by professional comedians with years of entertainment experience to make the class both funny and educational, and is even supported for mobile devices so you can take it anywhere.
If you prefer to take the defensive driving class in person check out our classroom locations to see which classroom is best for you. Each of our locations have convenient schedules, and we accept everyone who is on time to class, no appointment necessary. Customer support is something we also care about here. We understand the process of dismissing a traffic ticket can be confusing and frustrating so If you have any questions or concerns about the class, whether online or in person, just contact us for assistance; Comedy Driving offers customer support 364 days a year.
Our course was developed by professional comedians along side driving safety specialists with you the student in mind, providing an educational source in a fun and exciting way.
Comedydriving.com is an online defensive driving course, also known as a Driving Safety Course. Our online course has been approved by the State of Texas for ticket dismissal and insurance discounts.
Our online course is unique in the aspect that the course was developed 100% with animations, cartoons, and videos. Course content is provided with Comedy in a fun way that makes the task of learning driving safety easy and exciting.
Signup today with Texas's #1 Online Defensive Driving School.
Comedy Driving, Inc. |10891 Katy Fwy, Houston, TX 77079 | PHONE: 713-465-0042 | FAX : 713-465-0058