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Below are the following requirements to take our Texas Defensive Driving course:
**comedydriving.com does not recommend using the AOL or Netscape browsers to take our course.
The minimum hardware required is such that it should be able to support the software configuration described above. The course requires the use of a pointing device such as a mouse. The course also requires that the hardware be equipped with speakers or headphones. Our program will automatically perform a software evaluation after registration but prior to the start of the course.
With High Speed Internet - (cable or DSL), this course will run extremely well.
With Dial-Up Connection -
Comedy Driving does not recommend that you use a dial up connection for our course.
Mobile Device Compatibility
You may use one of the following devices on our mobile course:
iPad 1, 2 and 3
iPod Touch
iPhone 4 or greater
All Android Tablets and Phones
** It is recommended that you have a 4g or higher internet connection to your device.
Comedy Driving, Inc. |10891 Katy Fwy, Houston, TX 77079 | PHONE: 713-465-0042 | FAX : 713-465-0058