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Our defensive driving course is State Approved for ticket dismissal, and insurance discounts by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR), Texas Education Agency (TEA), and the Region 13 Education Service Center for ticket dismissal in all courts in Texas. Our online defensive driving course is only $25.00, the lowest possible price allowed by state law!
And to top it all off, our animations and cartoons were developed by professional comedians, so it has been rated the funniest defensive driving class in Texas! Take a tour by viewing some of the sample content below, which has been taken directly from our course:
Sample Cartoon from our online defensive driving course.
Many sections in our course include cartoons like the one to the left. By utilizing animations we are able to provide you with visually appealing educational material.
Comedy Driving has spent many years developing its online course, and prides itself on being an industry leader. Our course is unlike any other out there, composed of animated content; including cartoons, interactive animations and streaming video. The aforementioned, combined with the fact that the content was put together by professional comedians, all you need to do is just sit back and enjoy the course. Why take a course in that same old boring fashion? Have while you learn with Comedy Driving!
Sample Cartoon from our online defensive driving course.
We have chosen videos throughout our course to help you better understand the latest techniques in driving safety. Each segment will leave you with a better understanding of how to be a better driver. Most of our videos are produced in-house, and in HD quality. No longer will you have to watch outdated videos from the 80's and 90's while taking your defensive driving course.
This clip is an example taken from our city driving video, which covers the hazards of urban driving, and discusses the best techniques to be used for this driving environment.
Signup today with Texas's #1 Online Defensive Driving School.
Comedy Driving, Inc. |10891 Katy Fwy, Houston, TX 77079 | PHONE: 713-465-0042 | FAX : 713-465-0058